Monday, October 25, 2010

Bach Hambug!

It's a bit diconcerting. If a machine is something that click-clacks away then we're already halfway there!
So what'm I goning to do? I shall halve my clicking to make myself one fourth of the way there and then continue in this vein so i'm doubling my likelihood of not turning into half a machine.
And now back to my Bach!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sick Thoughts

My insides were yellow, my outsides were burining.
Where insides intersect outsides and everything is confused,lay the problem.
I wanted to lock away my mouth and cut myself away from my rebelling organs.

Instead I stewed some towels in boiling water. Now they are clean.

In sickness and in health

Currently my brain in filled with the sounds of Bush.
This is my second day in self imposed confinement. I have no other choice. I'm sick, I have to stick close to a loo. My brain is neither fevered nor suffering from the side effects of my medication. It is merely isolated.

Yesterday, noiselessness reigned over my mind. It was empty of all except my own thoughts that zigzagged across the mindsphere. Undiluted by company and the net of expected averageness it casts, I became something; something strange to a collected group of people but completely true to my own individual nature. I became normal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Snakes on the brain

Go forth tentacles of my mind! Put out your feelers, snake over all things and do not return until ye have ingested everything in your path!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pencil Sharpening

I feel naked without my kajal. It dresses me, comforts me, defines me. I associate it almost inextricably with myself. I suppose I feel near sighted without it. Like spectacles would aid another with clarity of vision, my kajal gives me my particular sense of self; it gives me clarity of thought.

Funny how that works. A kajal pencil helps me compose my thoughts like a pen would help an author,poet,playwright compose their chef d'oeuvres. It's this pencil with the aid of which I have today created a new blog and composed this its maiden post.

And so I christen myself a Pencil Artist and commence in composing my thoughts and drawing plans and conclusions.